2019/11 2020/11 2021/11 2022/11 2023/11 2024/11
Dividend Per Share(yen) 1Q ------
3Q ------
FY-End 22.0025.0024.0024.0036.5028.00
Total 22.0025.0024.0024.0036.5028.00
Amount of Dividends(million yen) 204231222222338-
Payout Ratio(%) 35.231.834.634.741.734.1
Ratio of Total Amount of Dividends to Net Assets(%)

*Kitakei absorbed and merged with consolidated subsidiary Fukuzumi Corporation on August 21, 2021 and changed from consolidated to non-consolidated financial statements beginning with the fourth quarter of the fiscal year that ended in November 2021. As a result, comparisons are based on non-consolidated results.